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Microsoft Azure Architect Solutions Training AZ300
Microsoft Azure Certified Expert for Solutions Architect training – AZ-300 & AZ-301 is designed to help you prepare for the Architect technologies exam. Candidates for this exam are Azure Solution Architects who advise and translates business requirements into reliable, secure, scalable solutions. You will master advance configuration for networking, security, reliability, virtualization, identity, security, business continuity, disaster recovery, data management, budgeting, and governance.
About Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Training Course
Monstercourses offers a definitive training in Microsoft Azure (AZ-300 and AZ-301) certification. As part of the training, you will be learning about architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions, working on real-world hands-on projects in building scalable Azure infrastructure, designing web apps, and deploying Azure storage solutions and data access methodologies. Further, you will also receive the official course material issued by Microsoft for ‘Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions’.
What you will learn in this Azure (AZ-300 and AZ-301) training course?
- Planning and designing Azure infrastructure
- Securing of Azure resources
- Developing advanced applications
- Azure governance mechanisms
- Deploying resources with Azure Resource Manager
- Building IaaS based server applications
- Azure storage backing for Azure solutions.
Who should take up this Azure Certification training course?
- Solutions architects & programmers looking to build SaaS, PaaS and IaaS applications
- Network and Systems admins, Application, DevOps & QA engineers
- Storage and security admins, Virtualization & network engineers
What are the prerequisites for taking this Azure solutions architect training?
There are no prerequisites for taking this training. Having a basic understanding of cloud and networking can be beneficial.
Why you should go for Azure architect training?
Microsoft Azure is growing at an unprecedented rate and also the cloud deployment in today’s digital-first organizations is rising at a very fast rate. Monstercourses is offering the comprehensive training in architecting Microsoft Azure solutions that is completely in line with the Azure certification exams. You will work on real world projects and gain hands-on experience and will be in a position to apply for the best jobs in the industry.
Azure Architect AZ300 Course Content
Managing Azure subscription and resources
Managing Azure subscriptions, assigning administrator permissions, configuring Azure subscriptions, utilizing and consuming Azure resources, analyzing alerts and metrics, configuring diagnostic settings, monitoring unused resources, utilizing Log Search query functions, viewing alerts in Log Analytics, managing resource groups, configuring resource locks and policies, moving resources across resource groups, Managed role-based access control (RBAC).
Implementing and managing storage
Creating and configuring storage accounts, installing Azure Storage Explorer, monitoring activity using Log Analytics, deploying Azure storage replication, exporting from and importing into Azure job, Azure Data Box, configuring blob storage, Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN), creating Azure file share and file sync, implementing Azure backup, creating Recovery Services Vault, configuring backup policy.
Deploying and managing Virtual Machines
Configuring VM for Windows and Linux, configuring monitoring, networking, storage, deploying and configuring scale sets, modifying Azure Resource Manager (ARM), configuring VHD template, deploying Windows and Linux VMs, managing Azure VM, automate configuration management with PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC), managing VM sizes, moving VMs from one resource to another, managing VM backups, configuring VM backup, performing VM restore, Azure Site Recovery.
Configuring and managing Virtual Networks
Creating connectivity between virtual networks, creating and configuring VNET peering, virtual network connectivity, creating virtual network gateway, implement and manage virtual networking, configuring private and public IP addresses, network routes and network interface, configuring name resolution, configuring Azure DNS, configuring private and public DNS zones, configuring Network Security Group (NSG), creating security rules; associating NSG to a subnet or network interface, implement Azure load balancer, monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking, integrate on premises network with Azure virtual network.
Deploying and configuring infrastructure
Analyzing resource utilization and consumption, configuring diagnostic settings, creating resource baseline, creating alerts, analyze subscriptions, metrics, creating action groups, monitoring unused resources and spend, Log Search query function, Log Analytics view alerts, storage account configuration, configuring network access to storage account, shared access signature generation, Azure Storage Explorer, access keys management, monitoring activity with Log Analytics, Azure storage replication, Virtual Machine configuration for Linux and Windows, configuring network, storage, monitoring, configure scale sets, modifying Azure Resource Manager (ARM), VM location configuration, deploying Windows and Linux VMs, VM connectivity, VNET peer configuration, VM connectivity verification, creating virtual network gateway, configuring IP addresses, subnets, Azure AD Join, implementing hybrid identities, installing and configuring Azure AD Connect, password management and writeback.
Workload and security implementation
Migrating servers to Azure, migrating with Azure Site Recovery (ASR) and P2V, configuring storage, creating backup vault, backup and restore data, deploying Azure Site Recovery (ASR), serverless computing configuration, managing objects, Logic App resource, Azure Function app, Event Grid, Service Bus, application load balancing, front-end IP configuration, integrating Azure virtual network with on-premise network, Azure VPN Gateway, Express Route, on-premise connectivity, role-based access control (RBAC), RBAC troubleshooting and assigning roles, multi-factor authentication (MFA), enabling MFA on Azure tenant, configuring fraud alerts, IPs, verification methods, configuring management access to Azure.
Creating and deploying apps
Using PaaS to create web apps, creating documentation for API, creating App Service Web App, using WebJobs for App Service background task, diagnostic logging, designing apps that run in containers, configuring diagnostic settings, container image with Docker file, creating Azure Container Service (ACS/AKS), publishing image to Azure Container Registry, Azure Container Instance, managing containers with code.
Implementing authentication and securing data
Deploying authentication, using forms-based authentication, tokens, certificates, using Azure AD for Windows authentication, OAuth2 authentication, Managed Service Identity, Service Principle authentication, role-based and claims-based authorization, shared access signature, secure data solutions, decrypting and encrypting data in transit and rest, using KeyVault API for key creation and deletion.
Developing for cloud
Developing solutions with Cosmos DB storage, creating, updating, deleting data with APIs, deploying partitioning schemes, setting consistency level for operations, developing solutions with relational database, provisioning and configuring relational databases, configuring elastic pools for Azure SQL database, creating, reading, updating and deleting data tables with code.
Configuring message-based architecture integration, configuring app or service, Azure Relay Service, Event Grid, Event Hub, Service Bus, Notification Hub, developing for autoscaling, implementing autoscaling rules and patterns.
Determining requirements for workload
gathering requirements, access management infrastructure, service-oriented architecture, identifying accessibility, governance, configuration, maintenance, capacity planning and scaling, debugging, troubleshooting, logging, recommending change during project execution, creating test scenarios, optimizing consumption strategy, optimizing app service, compute, network, identity, storage costs, designing auditing and monitoring strategy, recommending appropriate monitoring tools, designing audit for compliance and traceability.
Designing identity and security
Choosing an identity management approach, identity repository including application, directory, systems, identity management design, user and persona provisioning, designing authentication, designing for IPSec, designing authorization, choosing authorization approach, using API Keys, designing secure delegated access, designing for risk prevention and identity, RBAC policies, evaluating agreement between vendors and contractors, updating changes to the security policies. Designing monitoring strategy for identity and security, designing for alert notifications, alert and metric strategy, recommending authentication monitors.
Designing a data platform solution
Designing a data management strategy, choosing between managed and unmanaged data store, relational and non-relational databases, designing data audits, identifying data attributes, designing for data availability, consistency and durability, recommending Database Transaction Unit (DTU), designing a data protection strategy, encryption strategy, document data flows, data flow diagram, data import and export strategy, data platform monitoring strategy, alert notification, designing alert and metrics strategy.
Designing business continuity strategy
Designing site recovery strategy, storage replication, designing site failover, Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Level Objective (RLO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO), identifying supported and unsupported recovery, designing for high availability, designing for application redundancy, autoscaling, network redundancy, disaster recovery strategy, design failover, resources that need backup, recommending geographic availability strategy, data archiving strategy, business compliance requirement, identifying SLA for data archiving.
Designing for deployment, migration and integration
Designing a compute, storage, web app, message solution, service deployment strategy, designing migration, recommending migration strategy, export/import strategy on migration, data transfer and network connectivity method, designing an API strategy, API gateway strategy, API consumption policies, hosting structure for API management.
Designing an infrastructure strategy
Designing a Storage Strategy, storage provisioning, identifying storage needs, storage management tools, designing a compute strategy, compute provisioning, secure compute strategies, choosing the right compute technology like VM, container instance, service fabric, functions, designing Azure HPC environment, managing compute tools, identifying compute needs.
Designing a network and monitoring strategy
Designing network provisioning, network security strategies, network requirements, network management tools, designing a monitoring strategy for infrastructure, designing for alert notifications, designing an alerts and metrics strategy.
What if I miss one (or) more class?
No need to worry about the classes you missed. We will definitely guide you by having optional classes or by having classes with other batches with the same topic you missed previous classes.
Who is my instructor?
IT professionals who have strong knowledge in technical know how to convey things with the real-time example. Even a layman could understand the concepts which given by our experts.
What are the modes of training offered for this course?
We offer this course in “Live Instructor-Led Online Training” mode. Through this way you won’t mess anything in your real-life schedule. You will be shared with live meeting access while your session starts.
What are the system requirements to work?
Minimum 2GB RAM and i3 processor is required
Can I attend a demo session?
You can get a sample class recording to ensure you are in right place. We ensure you will be getting complete worth of your money by assigning a best instructor in that technology.
How about group discounts (or) corporate training for our team?
We are absolutely loved to talk in-person about group training (or) corporate training. So, please get in touch with our team through “Quick Enquiry”, “Live Chat” or “Request Call-back” channels.
Where do Our Online learners and Trainer’s come from
We are providing online training, One-to-One training with the help of experts. Our learners and trainers are frequently coming from different countries like USA, India, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and UAE. To specify in cities London, Bangalore, California, New York, Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, New Delhi, San Francisco, New Jersey, Texas, Florida, Kolkata, Gurgaon, Berlin and Hyderabad among many.
I have more queries?
If you want to know More Details about Online Training Please Contact us. Or you can share your quires through info@monstercourses.com. Estimated turnaround time will be 24 hours for mails.
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Vinay K…